Magnificent Sex:
Lessons from Extraordinary Lovers
Peggy J. Kleinplatz, A. Dana Ménard

Winner of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research Consumer Book Award!
What makes sex magnificent? What are the qualities of extraordinary erotic intimacy and what are the elements that help to bring it about? Is great sex the stuff that people remember nostalgically from the “honeymoon” phase of their relationships, or can sex improve over time?
Magnificent Sex is based on the largest, in-depth interview study ever conducted with people who are having extraordinary sex. It gathers the nuggets for remarkable sex from the “experts”, distilling them into an attainable blueprint for ordinary lovers who want to make erotic intimacy grow over the course of a lifetime. Looking at factors including individual and relational qualities, empathic communication and the myths and realities of magnificent sex, this book offers accessible and evidence-based guidance for lovers and therapists alike.
It is replete with frank and often humorous interviews with straight and LGBTQ individuals and couples, those who are “vanilla” and “kinky”, monogamous and consensually non-monogamous and healthy and chronically ill. This illuminating book explores the implications of the findings to develop a model that effectively tackles the common problems of low desire and frequency. The “cure” for low desire is to create desirable sex

New Directions in Sex Therapy: Innovations and Alternatives
Third Edition
Kleinplatz, P. J. (2024)
New Directions in Sex Therapy: Innovations and Alternatives, 3rd Edition focuses on new and cutting-edge therapy paradigms as alternatives to conventional clinical strategies, challenging practitioners to expand our thinking about how to deal with sexual concerns. In the 3rd edition of this award-winning book, Peggy J. Kleinplatz, Ph.D., brings together the best therapists and sexologists to advance beyond predominant approaches to sexual difficulties.
Part I highlights the major problems and criticisms facing sex therapy and furnishes a rationale for new directions, with chapters on ethics, heteronormativity and comprehensive sexual education/healthcare as human rights issues. Part II demonstrates new approaches to dealing with traditional sex therapy concerns, including sexual desire discrepancies, difficulties with erections and orgasms and sexuality in older couples. There is also attention to concerns typically overlooked including those related to consensual nonmonogamy, sexuality and disability and marginalized populations. This edition is replete with helpful new clinical illustrations across the spectrum of theoretical orientations, such as EFT/EFIT, narrative-relational, psychodynamic, CBT, experiential and group therapy modalities to demonstrate these approaches in action. It includes queer-informed perspectives on sex and relationships and innovative contributions on the person of the therapist and on promoting optimal erotic intimacy.
This book is intended for students and clinicians who deal with sexual issues and concerns in therapy – clinicians of every kind, novices and advanced practitioners – rather than only those who define themselves as sex therapists.

New Directions in Sex Therapy: Innovations and Alternatives
Kleinplatz, P. J. (2012)
Winner of the 2013 AASECT Professional Book Award!
New Directions in Sex Therapy: Innovations and Alternatives focuses on cutting-edge, therapy paradigms as alternatives to conventional clinical strategies. With each passing year, the treatment of sexual problems seems to emphasize more medical and pharmacological interventions. There is correspondingly less interest in the experiences of the individuals or couples involved. This book expands the definition of our field.
Part I highlights the major problems and criticisms facing sex therapy and furnishes a rationale for new directions. Included in this 2012 edition are critiques of “sexual addiction” nomenclature, the neglect of the ethical dimension in sex therapy, and there is a call to expand our vision of what sex therapy can attain. Part II demonstrates new approaches to dealing with traditional sex therapy concerns, including lack of desire and erectile dysfunction as well as innovative goals, such as integrating sexual medicine with sex therapy, using client feedback to customize therapy for the particular individual/couple’s best interests, promoting relationship growth in working with transgender clients, and transcending sexual function/dysfunction to optimize erotic intimacy in long-term couples.

Sadomasochism: Powerful Pleasures
Kleinplatz, P. J. & Moser, C. (2006)
To gain a broader understanding of human sexuality, the study of SM is crucial for what it reveals about us as sexual beings. This interdisciplinary collection dispels myths surrounding SM, bringing together leading scholars from the fields of sexology, psychology, sociology, and medicine, alongside queer studies and sexual minority advocacy. Experts such as Susan Wright, MA, Margaret Nichols, PhD, Thomas S. Weinberg, PhD, Odd Reiersol, PhD, Svein Skeid, Rebecca F. Plante, PhD, Niklas Nordling, MPsych, and N. Kenneth Sandnabba, PhD, among other stellar authorities, reveal research findings, clinical data, and critical thinking about sexuality that lies beyond “vanilla.” The realization of SM desires and their acceptance are explored in detail. Sadomasochism: Powerful Pleasures is valuable, insightful reading for mental health professionals, students, sex educators, sex counselors, sex therapists, sex researchers, sexual health workers, sociologists, sexual minority groups, and anyone interested in learning more about kink.
Sadomasochism: Powerful Pleasures answers questions such as: What is the nature of SM relationships? How do mental health professionals regard and treat SM practitioners? Does increasing visibility of SM imagery decrease stigma or create added problems? What can ordinary lovers learn from those we have marginalized about the farther reaches of human erotic potential

Sexuality & Ageing
Bouman, W. P. & Kleinplatz P. J. (2016)
Across the globe, both in developed and developing countries, the population is rapidly ageing. In the fields of sexual and relationship therapy and sexual health, ageing has not been an issue of priority. Too often, ageing is thought of as a process that relates to problems, deficits, and taboos, and less to pleasure, change, growth and diversity. It is treated as a separate life stage and not a process throughout the lifecycle. Sexuality and sexual health are important parts of the lives of older people, as they have a significant impact on quality of life, psychological well-being and physical health, as well as social and family life.
This book brings together contributions from those currently writing on and researching ageing as it relates, in a therapeutic context, to gender identity, to sex and sexuality, and to intimate relationships.